Chock Full of Inner Demons

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Days are Long and Too Short

Many of these days are long, but definitely not long enough. I went to work, and afterwards, I had a dinner with my dad nearly an hour after I returned, and then I was off for basketball. I still need to do some hebrew homework that I have put off for a week, but I'm not going to do it because it is already 10:30pm, and I need to get up really early tomorrow. I need more time. More time. There is just too much to do everyday, and I want to do most of it. (I could probably bear life without the constant early shift. I need to do them now, but they are very wearing.)

Now Playing the Alamo by Carter Burwell ****/*****

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Reading the 'Pistol'

I am very proud of myself. I finished the book, Pistol: The Life of Peter Maravich today. I started it about three weeks ago, but it is the first book that I have finished in about six months. It is amazing that I read most of it in 15 minute breaks here and there. A little on the BART, a little at Quiznos, a little more at Starbucks, and then it was done.

The book itself was good. Pete's father was the main thrust behind his life of basketball and fame, and it was quite interesting to read about the various directions that basketball took them both. Who knew that Dr. James Dobson (Focus on the Family) was playing basketball with Pete the very moment that Pete collapsed to hs death?

I think that to celebrate my finishing of this bio,' I will write to the publisher to give them my review of their early copy. I'm sure that they will appreciate it in the fullest.

Now Playing the Queen by Alexander Desplat

Monday, November 20, 2006

Unfriendly Fire

Finally a little inspiration.

This friend I have says he really wants to hang out tonight. I told him that I got off of work at 5:30pm, so I could meet him at 6pm. He says he can't meet me that ealry because he has to prepare for his classes (teacher) the next day, "how about 9pm?" I say alright, but because it is kind of late, he should call me as soon as possible since I have to wake up very early.

His first call was around 9:30pm. I missed it because I was upstairs and I already assumed he wouldn't be calling. I called him back at 10pm and he was in the car with a friend, on their way back from the Serramonte shopping mall. He didn't tell me but the friend did, that they had been shopping for the past several hours, going back and forth to different camera shops.

Now, I am really getting upset, but I am trying to hold my anger back on the phone.

I ask his friend what they are doing tomorrow, and she tells me that they are leaving for their trip tomorrow to Yosemite. This was another curveball because my friend(?) had told me that they were not going to leave until Wednesday, leaving me with the opinion that I was going to see him for basketball that night. To make it worse, this trip to Yosemite was something that he proposed I go, until a month ago or so, when he failed to bring it up at all.

I'm so sick of this garbage

Now Playing- nothing

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Transferring Sweet & Untimely Music

Ever since I bought this new iPod I have been obsessive in the downloading of all of my albums on to it. The problem is that I have way too much music to download very quickly, and I spend way too much time everyday downloading this music to the iTunes and then to the iPod. There are so many other things that I need to be doing while I am home, but I have been to distracted by the iPod to do them. Even now as I write this, I am trying to hold back the urge to pick out a CD and to transfer those sweet melodies over to that harmonic machine.

Now Playing Gladiator by Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard ****/*****
(I just put this on the iPod an hour ago.)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Spiderman Resumes His Demons

I didn't even like the first film that much, but it seems like they are going to capture my heart again. The new trailer for Spiderman 3 was released this week and it looks amazing. The trailer seems to indicate that it will follow the lead of the second film by continuing to develop Peter Parker's inner turmoil, an issue that I feel closely connected to. The score in the trailer was also incredibly dark, emphasizing the darkness with a lot of chorus and a lot of hard pauses in the action. Spiderman 3 officially is now my first confirmed appointment for May. I cannot wait to watch Peter battle his inner demons again.

Now Playing Anna and the King by George Fenton ****/*****

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Problem is Defense

I need to update this more often. Things have been generally pretty good as of late, and I would like to have some sort of record that these nice things are happening. However, I have been getting home later than usual which has directly contributed to my posting absence.

Tomorrow night I have a basketball game with my team named the Rounders. We are 1-2 at this point of the season. One of our problems is defense. I am going to ask our guys tomorrow night to full court press the other team. I have been reading a Pete Maravich bio' recently and it says that Pete's father, Press, would direct his team to apply full court pressure onto a team when they were out-sized and it seemed to work with the right ambition. We'll see what happens tomorrow night.

Now Playing King Kong by James Newton Howard ****/*****