Chock Full of Inner Demons

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Reading the 'Pistol'

I am very proud of myself. I finished the book, Pistol: The Life of Peter Maravich today. I started it about three weeks ago, but it is the first book that I have finished in about six months. It is amazing that I read most of it in 15 minute breaks here and there. A little on the BART, a little at Quiznos, a little more at Starbucks, and then it was done.

The book itself was good. Pete's father was the main thrust behind his life of basketball and fame, and it was quite interesting to read about the various directions that basketball took them both. Who knew that Dr. James Dobson (Focus on the Family) was playing basketball with Pete the very moment that Pete collapsed to hs death?

I think that to celebrate my finishing of this bio,' I will write to the publisher to give them my review of their early copy. I'm sure that they will appreciate it in the fullest.

Now Playing the Queen by Alexander Desplat


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