Unfriendly Fire
Finally a little inspiration.
This friend I have says he really wants to hang out tonight. I told him that I got off of work at 5:30pm, so I could meet him at 6pm. He says he can't meet me that ealry because he has to prepare for his classes (teacher) the next day, "how about 9pm?" I say alright, but because it is kind of late, he should call me as soon as possible since I have to wake up very early.
His first call was around 9:30pm. I missed it because I was upstairs and I already assumed he wouldn't be calling. I called him back at 10pm and he was in the car with a friend, on their way back from the Serramonte shopping mall. He didn't tell me but the friend did, that they had been shopping for the past several hours, going back and forth to different camera shops.
Now, I am really getting upset, but I am trying to hold my anger back on the phone.
I ask his friend what they are doing tomorrow, and she tells me that they are leaving for their trip tomorrow to Yosemite. This was another curveball because my friend(?) had told me that they were not going to leave until Wednesday, leaving me with the opinion that I was going to see him for basketball that night. To make it worse, this trip to Yosemite was something that he proposed I go, until a month ago or so, when he failed to bring it up at all.
I'm so sick of this garbage
Now Playing- nothing
How long have you known this "friend"? I know this might sound like a stretch, but if you haven't known him very long did you consider the possibility that he was attracted to you until he realized that you are straight? Or did you do anything recently that would prompt him to piss you off?
I haven't known him that long, although some of his tendecies seem to mimick a couple of other people that I know. I don't believe that he likes me that way, and I also don't think that I did anything to piss him off because I haven't been able to spend enough time with him yet in order to do that. I just think that this is selfish and a manipulative behavior that he is demonstrating to be within his perosnality and I guess I know, surely now, that I need to watch out and to protect myself from it in the future.
And people wonder why I am so 'reactionary' or 'defensive' with others.
How are you, Eric;)
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