Chock Full of Inner Demons

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Puzzling Day at the De Young

I spent some of the day with a puzzling fellow named 'J.' A week ago, we had arranged to play some racquet ball today at Golden Gate Park in the 'hand ball only' courts. (Don't worry, except for the one homeless guy who seemed upset, I don't think anyone legitimate had any objections as to our particular use of the court.) We played for about an hour and then 'J' insisted that we walk over to the new de Young museum so that he could illuminate me with a brief tour. While there is hardly any doubt that the racquet ball game played more to my strengths, 'J' was obviously in his element went we got to the museum. From the start, he was providing me with a great number of intricate details about the design and the art of the museum. I was very impressed, and I know that if he wasn't a lawyer that he could surely work there. But what surprised me more than the tour itself was that 'J' was actually "taking" the time by choice to explain and to show me a number of things at the museum. it seemed that he was genuinely interested in teaching me about something that I didn't know anything about. And this is why I am a bit puzzled by his character. Is he just showing a generosity and pleasantry that I am not accustomed to seeing in a stranger, or is there something deceptive in the air?

Now Playing the Matrix Reloaded by Don Davis


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