Signs, Stairways, and Omens
I saw The Omen remake last night with S. It was awful, dreadful, and dull. Only two things I found to be redeeming about the film, and trust me this is a stretch. One is that they filmed some of it in Israel. It is a place that I have never been to, and yet I can feel the place calling to me to go. Now, more than ever, do I wish to go there to visit.
The other 'nice' element in it was my recognition of a particular stairwell. I wasn't exactly sure, because the movie is supposed to be set primarily in London, but I did lean over to tell S that I thought that I had seen it in the first Mission: Impossible, which I believed was filmed in Prague. Well, we sat in our seats for the end credits and as they were ending, the evidence I sought about that stairway popped up on the screen in these words: The filmmakers wish to thank the city of Prague.
Now Playing the Seven Soundtrack. Only one track by Howard Shore on the album.
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