Chock Full of Inner Demons

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Traveling is Illuminating

A couple of days ago I watched Everything is Illuminated. It is a movie I sort of avoided at theaters because I thought the marketing department was trying to be to trendy. The title is not conventional (you need to think a little to get), the poster is really loud, and it stars Elijah Wood who is usually better in a supporting role. On top of all of this bias, I had a Russian friend tell me she loved because the bulk of the film takes place in the Ukraine (a fact I did not know) and that it was great to see her people on the screen. After that, although I didn't acknowledge it, I was almost 100% certain I was going to avoid it, and I successfully did until the DVD release.
Well, after finally renting the film it seems now that I have missed one of the more enjoyable and inspiring films of the year at the theater this year. The movie is not remarkable by any means, but you do get to be very personal with the main characters and the story is very intimate.
I do not want to get into any plot points or into any major story descriptions, I really hate that in many reviews because they always spoil some sort of surprise in the film. I will reveal that Elijah's character travels from America to the Ukraine, a place that he has never been before. This was one of my favorite aspects of the film because they show you the country as a tourist would view it, and it looked like so much fun to go. I was quite jealous of Frodo's adventures once again.

Now Playing-The War by Thomas Newman


At 4:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, once again you make me want to see a film that I was going to avoid. It's those damn glasses, I think. But now I'll order it from Netflix. Thanks,

At 3:57 PM, Blogger 1-18-08 said...

The movie is based on a book that I was unable to finish due to its weirdness, but thanks to your positive review, maybe I'll see the movie first.

At 12:00 PM, Blogger 1-18-08 said...

Can't wait to read your review of X3 when it comes out!

X2 = Brilliant.

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, there are very few people reading these posts. The reason is, as I recall, that these posts are supposed to be personal, and not merley movie reviews (not that those are not appreciated). Have you considered keeping this post for personal stuff and submitting your movie reviews to somewhere where there will be more viewers... maybe yahoo or netflix or whatever, or maybe even a diffrent Blog just for your reviews... you may be the next rich fat guy who makes a living off of this stuff.

At 11:56 AM, Blogger 1-18-08 said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger 1-18-08 said...

I don't think blogs necessarily have to be "personal." I write about books, movies, and life on my blog, but it just so happens that there are more movie reviews than anything else. I think my reviews reveal a little bit about my outlook on life, so in that respect, maybe they are a little personal.

Daniel J. had set out to write about his "inner demons" but he's also fairly new at this whole blogging thing and trying to figure things out. Let him figure it out and don't tell him what it's "supposed" to be about.

Madam, I don't understand what you mean when you say that the reason very people are reading these posts is because "these posts are supposed to be personal, and not merely movie reviews." If Daniel J. wanted to get really personal, then maybe he would have started a diary in the privacy of his own home and not on the World Wide Web.

Now excuse me while I go browsing at Barnes & Noble, where the managers seem to actually care about their employees (a.k.a human beings) and don't treat them like Nazi robots.

At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Response to Eric Y.

Jeez don't get your panties all in a bunch. The comment that you so thouroughly critisized was not actually meant as a critisism of Daniel's blog. It was actually meant as a compliment. I for one enjoy Daniel's reviews and think that they should be shared with a wider audience, hence, the suggestions at the end of the comment.

I will attempt to explain the "supposed to be personal" line that you seem to have read out of context. What I meant there is that, a personal Blog, such as this one, is going to be read primerly by people interested in the author. Daniel, unfortunatly, does not happend to be a selebrity, therefore, he will not have a great number of people reading his Blog. Hence, in my previous comment I said, "there are very few people reading these posts. The reason is, as I recall, that these posts are supposed to be personal." That was an explanation of why Daniel does not have a wide audience... not critisism or instruction on what the blog is or is not supposed to be.

On the other hand, movie reviews are read primarly by people interested in movies. No offence, to our beloved author, but I bet there are more people surfing the web who are interested in movies than those who are interested in Daniel. So, if there was a site for his movie reviews I bet it would have more hits than a personal blog.

Daniel may not be interested in attracting a mass audience for his reviews. However, I for one is of the opinion that his reviews are well written, informative, and unbiased. I think that the public could benefit from having them available and maybe Daniel could benefit from that in the process.

At this point it would be handy to have some reply from the author... Daniel you got something to add to this "debate"?

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Daniel J said...

This is dangerous territory, but I will try to steer through the waters. My original intention for the blog was to discuss the 'more' personal aspects of my life. However, even before I began I knew that this could lead to some major social trouble, more so than I am normally in. I would really love for this blog to reveal those inner demons and to unvweil those "secrets that (I've) been concealing, but it doesn't seem to be quite feasible. There are a few people who I will actually confess too. To those people I will tell them nearly everything, which is both a good and a bad thing. The bad part being that my trust in them, which is quite revealing, is often expressed as a burden or reflected back in anger. It seems to reveal certain things, even to those I am closest to, is often regretful. If I have trouble talking to my closest friends, how can I write about them, or anything of significant consequence without the fear of getting burned later, or angering someone.
I believe the blog I wrote before the last, I mentioned the trouble I was having with this exact situation. Eric pointed out that my movie reviews actually reveal a little more than just the movies themselves. That they usually reveal some sort of insight into my personality, my desires, my way of thinking. Up until that point I didn't even realize I was doing that or that I could do that, but I liked the idea that I could use the movies occasionally to reveal some of my personal character flaws, or some my dream desires within the context of a film review.
I am still new to the blogging system. I do not know how to put a picture or even know how to edit my own comment once it has been submitted. But I would like this to have some substance, it may come in between the lines of a movie review, or it may just be straightforward, I do not really know.
But no matter how this cookie crumbles, or how the worlds collide, I want to thank everyone for reading. It is nice to know that there are people out there who take the time to check up on me and my 'inner demons.'

At 12:22 AM, Blogger 1-18-08 said...

Well said by everyone. I suppose I did misunderstand "anonymous"'s comment. I apologize if it sounded like I had my panties in a bunch. Luckily I don't wear panties.

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly, a great conclusion to a semi heated debate of sorts. Nice to see some action in here...

Daniel J, I for one would be honored to be written about in your Blog. I regret that you think that your "confessions" are seen as a burden or reflected back in anger (although I don't doubt that they are from time to time), however, your friends will remain your friends even if they don't like what you are writing. So knock yourself out and offentd some people... if you choose to ofcourse (for the record, no critisim intended).

Eric Y... I'm glad you stood up for Daniel J, misguided as it was. I look forward to our next encounter on this virtual arena of debate.

p.s., the whole panties thing was a response to you calling me maddam... I am only called that around Gay Pride day, in solidarity ... kidding

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Daniel J said...

I agree that this was rather exciting. I think I will start some fights in order to boost the content of the postings!
....just a side comment, but I never liked the sound of 'panties.' It is just one of those words, maybe combined with the meaning, that has always made me kind of cringe.


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