Chock Full of Inner Demons

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Lonely Heroes

It has been nearly two months since I finished viewing the television show Angel, and yet I can't stop thinking about it. Many people I know who actually watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer almost refuse to absorb themselves into the spinoff. I however, believe that Buffy universe blooms on Angel. Although the show is set in a fantasy world, full of demons and apocalypses, it is not ridiculous, it is powerfully dramatic. The show revolves around the vampire Angel, who is cursed with a soul and forced to save people from evil. Around him to help are a cast of lonely people who fight by his side to "help the helpless."
I admire the show because the characters continue to fight against the worst of evil, without any recognition and without pause. They are the lonely heroes. Unrecognizable to the modern world, yet enormously influential by their devotion to the difficult battles that face us in life. I would love to be a part of that world, even if it means patrolling for roachy-type three-horned demons that pose a threat to the scum of Los Angeles.

Now Playing-Angel by Darling Violetta


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