All-Stars Without Heart
Part of this last weekend was spent watching the NBA All-Star tournament. It was a horrendous display and a waste of time. As one broadcaster aptly phrased it, " it represents everything that is wrong with basketball today." I couldn't agree more. The All-Star game is supposed to display for the fans the best talent the NBA has to offer and to showcase them in a competitive game. However it didn't happen again this year. The game was played like a light scrimmage because the players were out there to "have fun. " As almost every player put it, they were giving the "fans what they want to see."
Which fans are they referring too? I want to know which fans asked the best basketball players to gather together for one day so they could screw around and 'have fun?' It is no wonder that these 'professonials' couldn't hack it in the last olympics. They don't even have enough passion to compete against each other. How are they supposed to compete against the world in 2008 if they are so non-chalant about competing with each other. Disgraceful.
Now Playing-Band of Brothers by Michael Kamen
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