Chock Full of Inner Demons

Friday, May 18, 2007

Time For Some New Shoes

Another year has passed, and with it, comes another teacher appreciation day. The idea and the effort of this event at the Hebrew school is extremely generous, and I do truly appreciate the efforts of the students who write the speeches and who present the gifts to the members of the faculty.

This year, the senior class presented me with a large gift certificate for the sports store Champs (last year I received a Neverflat basketball), with the idea in mind, that I use it to replace my current basketball shoes that have a major tear. Some of the students know that I have been wearing these atrocious shoes out of pure animosity, and that I have been determined not to let the shoe companies take me for any addtional money because the tear began only a mere month or two after I had purchased them.

But now with this generous gift from the senior class, I have no excuse left not to get a new pair, and to appreciate them. I only wish that I could do more for the students than I currently do. Every year, they always come up with a way to surprise me when I am least expecting it.

Now playing Blood Diamond by James Newton Howard