Chock Full of Inner Demons

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Emotional Saturday Divide

It is odd to have ‘a day off.’ Almost everyday of the week, I am committed to either work or school. It has been only for the past few months that I have had Saturday’s completely free, which more or less, has left me rather quizzical as to what to do with this time.

Half of the time, my thoughts lean towards being alone and catching up on all of things that I am unable to do the rest of the week. The other half, I spend wanting to be in the company of others. Oddly, it is during the ‘alone’ and the productive time, that I begin to feel, how shall I say, rather lonely.

I know that I can attribute this feeling of alienation to the fact that I am nearly never alone, at all, the rest of the week. From the early morning to the late at night, I am usually surrounded by my fellow homo-sapiens. So like Cameron Diaz in the recent the Holiday, it only seems natural that my emotional state takes a deep plunge when I finally manage to get away from it all, on these jolly, holly Saturdays.

Still it would be nice to be able to be alone, and to be able to cherish those moments of quiet, where I am unneeded to perform, without the worry of needing to be with others, when every other moment is usually occupied with my fellow man.


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