I've Got It
It has been sometime since I last wrote because of my darn computer contracting some sort of unknown illness that it may not recover from. It is a bummer, but that's life, right?
I was listening to Vince Scully announce the Dodgers game tonight. After a foul ball was caught by the Dodger catcher who was screaming, "I got it, I got it," Scully relayed a personal baseball incident from his college days.
"After the coach heard one our players shout out, 'I got it,' while the player was trying to catch a ball, he said to the team afterwards, 'Listen, it's not I've got it, it's I have it. Let's not forget that we represent higher education.' "
Scully, always a treat.
Now Playing the Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift by Brian Tyler.
please don't listen to Dodger games...
I just go where the talent takes me. If I could stomach Krukow then maybe I would watch more Giants games.
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